Grants and subsidies
to grow your business

Canada and USA are nations that support its businesses, offering numerous government programs, incentives, subsidies, and grants worth billions of dollars

Our AI-powered funding search engine continuously aggregates information from tens of thousands of funding programs using discovery and tracking bots, funders, collaboration partners, and a research team. This ensures our results are comprehensive, up-to-date, and relevancy ranked. At Novik consulting we can find them for you

Allow enough time

The wheels of government move slowly, and some grants set specific application deadlines. If you miss it this year, you may have to wait until next year. Allow a generous timeline while you pursue any government funding because the application, review, and approval process will probably take longer than expected.

Don't rely solely on grants

Your business cannot survive on government financing alone, subsidies are one step. Take a layered approach when it comes to raising cash by pursuing funds from multiple sources including banks, investors, friends, family, and your own savings. That way any money from the government is a pleasant bonus.